Winter picnic - Double postcard with envelopeKA001
Christmastree cutting - Double postcard with envelopeKA002
Glance at Christmas-Postoffice - Double postcard with envelopeKA003
Sauna visit - Double postcard with envelopeKA004
Flight with Snow-owl - Double postcard with envelopeKA005
Rowing trip - Double postcard with envelopeKA006
Sleeping under the Fly agaric - Double postcard with envelopeKA007
Dance in Flowers - Double postcard with envelopeKA008
Easter greetings - Double postcard with envelopeKA009
Concert of the birds - Double postcard with envelopeKA010
Relaxing in snow - Double postcard with envelopeKA011
Ice-fishing - Double postcard with envelopeKA012