This is the Privacy Statement of the Finnish Personal Data Act, section 10 and 24, and the European Data Protection Regulation (GPDR), as used by Silas Tonttukylä (Business ID: 2128923-7).

1 Registrar

Silas Tonttukylä
Koljosentie 166
88900 Kuhmo

2 Contact person for registrar matters

Uwe Fritz Helmut Sauer
+355 400 373 011

3 Name of registry

Customer Register for Silas Tonttukylä

4 Purpose of processing personal data

The general requirement for processing personal data in accordance with section 8 of the Personal Data:

  • The customer’s consent
  • Customer relationship prevention of malpractice and problems

5 Content of the register

  • Name Information
  • Company Information
  • Personal Identification Number / Business ID
  • Post Address
  • Postal Number and Office
  • Billing Address
  • Delivery Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Identification Codes (Password / Username)
  • Customer history such as receipts, ordered products and their price

6 Regular sources of information

The customer-related information is collected from the customer himself in connection with the purchase and service transaction.

7 Cookies

Cookie is a small text file that the browser saves to the user’s terminal. Cookies contain a unique identifier that does not allow users to be identified. Silas Tonttukylä uses cookies in its web service to implement the services and to facilitate the use of the services.

Cookies and the information we collect are also used to analyze the availability and use of the web service, to improve security, to monitor usage and to develop the service.

The user can consent to the use of cookies or deny it in the settings of his browser. Cookies are necessary for the functionality of some services. Silas Tonttukylä does not guarantee the functionality of all services if the cookie functionality is not enabled. The user can block cookies by using browser settings.

8 Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

We provide some essential information to third parties to ensure delivery and marketing. The information is also provided to the authorities in the cases provided for by law such as in the detection and prevention of irregularities.

9 Principles of registry security

Information security and confidentiality, integrity and usability of personal data in the Silas Tonttukylä’s register are ensured by appropriate technical and administrative measures.

Personal data is protected against unauthorized access and unlawful or accidental data processing. Data Retention maintains customer data for up to 10 years as required by the act of accounting. These are necessary for Silas Tonttukylä’s operation and purposes and for which there are legal conditions for processing. The need for data retention is assessed every two years.

10 The correctness of the information and the right to request the rectification

The Customer has the right, in accordance with sections 26-28 of the Personal Data Act, to verify what information has been stored in the register. However, some information is limited to, for example: According to section 29 of the Personal Data Act, the customer may update and modify his / her own information as identified Customer.

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